Sweatband Love

Introduction to my world of sweatbands.

Sweatband Love by Fairy

I’ve once written about what makes my runs complete and it all boiled down to what I termed “good head sweat management.” Sweatbands, whether on my wrist and around my cranial, is probably the only accessory that I truly must have whenever I’m in sports mode. I’m talking real sweatbands. None of that salami-thin gibberish material with rubber ducts built in, no siree. Real women wear terry cloth in all its retro 1980-esque glory. The ones that get heavy with sweat by the time you’re done, so much that they beg to be wringed.

I toyed with the idea of coming up with a little segment on Run Fairy Run talking about my sweatband collection. But would it gain traction and could I make my obsession sound credible? I don’t know why these questions mattered to me, but they did.

My affirmation came in the form of a magazine article. I stumbled upon a 2-page coverage in September/October 2012 edition of Women’s Running magazine called Geek Love. It basically reviewed new running high tech gadgets in the market (e.g. Nike Fuelband, Motorola Moto ACTV GPS watch, etc). However in the top right corner there was a complementary column with a more down-to-earth view entitled “Low-Tech.” Jessica Sebor (a name I first discovered when she was live-tweeting Boston Marathon 2012 for Women’s Running), the editor in chief, professed her love for the humble but crucial wrist sweatband!

Jessica Sebor’s love for sweatbands in Women’s Running magazine (Sep/Oct 2012)

And darn it if Jessica Sebor can openly declare in a magazine that she loves sweatbands as much as the next gal who doesn’t mind looking like she’s a time-warped tennis player looking geeky on the pavement, then I should talk about it! The passion and fascination can no longer be contained. I am going to showcase my sweatbands. Regularly!

So it’s decided. I’m going to to publicly parade my little collection on this blog, particularly the more unique ones and tell the story behind why I bought the sweatband and what its significance is to me.  Forget black and boring, oh no. We’re going to explore the more eccentric-looking sweatbands you will ever see on this side of the blogosphere. Yes I’ve had time to build up the collection and up the ante!

And will I ever run out of sweatbands to talk about? That remains to be seen.  But for now I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve – no sweat!

Stay tuned for more Sweatband Love!

Related story:
Can’t Run Without It

Addendum (7 Feb 2013):
Jessica Sebor actually replied my tweet! I am so starstruck right now!

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Hi! I am Fairy from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - currently residing in Sydney, Australia. This blog contains write-ups on my fitness adventures, whether it's running, swimming, hiking, Zumba, whatever! If I sweat, I write! As a young adult in my twenties, I led a relatively sedentary lifestyle before I had an awakening in 2011. I was overweight by age 30 and finally decided to turn my life around, so I started to reclaim my health back by losing 20 percent of my then body weight by playing dance and fitness video games! I've not looked back since and now happily lead an active lifestyle. If you want to get in touch with me, please email me at fairy[at]myindo.com or DM me on Instagram @myindo. Thanks for stopping by!

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