Runners United to Remember. We did it Bukit Cinta-style.
The Boston Marathon Explosions which happened on 15th April 2013 hit a raw nerve with runners all over the world. The crime, which claimed the lives of 3 innocent spectators (including that of an 8 year-old) and injuring nearly 200 others, was heinous and despicable. Gruesome photos of people with lost body parts and harrowing stories of victims having to undergo amputation due to damaged limbs circulated the internet with ferocity. Truly the stuff of nightmares.
To cope with the emotional tragedy and to show support for those affected, runners everywhere began running for Boston. So I decided to declare a #WeRunForBoston run with my Wednesday night group too. We wore blue or yellow (the official Boston Marathon colors). I printed the posters that created and brought them to UM, our usual running rendezvous.
We posed for a group photo before heading out into the densely humid night and pursued our own desired distances at our own paces. It was a time to reflect, to honor and to cherish how precious and fragile life was. And that senseless violence absolutely sucks.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Boston.
Related links:
- Boston Marathon Interview: Kathrine Switzer
This is an interview with Kathrine Switzer by Women’s Running magazine. Ms. Switzer was there in Boston to give her annual commentary of the race. She had left the finish line vicinity just shortly before the bombs detonated.


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